Lip Fillers at Sun & Skin Medical Centre

Like the rest of our skin, lips age too. Over time lips can lose fullness and the lip border can become less defined. The sides of the mouth may begin to droop downwards naturally.

Lip fillers can enhance the look of the lips and the mouth overall. Both women and men of all ages choose to have lip fillers to add volume, increase definition and restore youthfulness in the appearance of their lips.

lip fillers mount eliza melbourne australia

What are lip fillers?

Lip fillers consist of synthetic hyaluronic acid (HA); hyaluronic acid is a substance that is naturally found in your body. Lip fillers are used to restore or add volume to the lips, helping you to achieve a desired look.

Lip fillers typically last 12-18 months, but this can vary depending on your age and your metabolism. The filler is naturally broken down by your body over time.

Where can lip fillers be used?

Lip filers can be used in various areas on the lips and the surrounding area to achieve your desired look.

  • Main lip body (vermillion)
  • Edges of the lips (vermillion border)
  • Correcting vertical upper lip lines (Smokers Lines)
  • Oral commissures (corners of the mouth)
  • Ridges in the centre if the upper lip that run up towards the nose (Philtral columns)
  • The curve in the middle of the upper lip (Cupid’s bow).

What happens during the procedure?

Your beauty therapist will conduct a thorough assessment of your lips prior to injecting any lip fillers. They will discuss with you your desired look, your expectations, their recommendation, and address any concerns or questions that you might have about the procedure.

After your initial assessment, your lip filler treatment will be carefully tailored to suit your face. Our therapists are fully qualified and highly experienced in determining the most appropriate application of lip fillers to suit different faces. We work diligently to achieve balance, symmetry, and the definition that you wish to create.

The treatment itself usually begins with the application of numbing cream or local anaesthetic injections, to make you more comfortable. A very thin needle is then used to carefully inject very small amounts of lip fillers into different areas of the lips. Depending on the look you’re hoping to achieve, the filler may be directed into the edges of the lips (vermillion border), the curve in the middle of the upper lip (Cupid’s bow) and into the sides of the mouth (oral commissures). Most people typically require 0.5-1ml of filler.

Your beauty therapist may then massage or palpate your lips to make sure that the filler has distributed correctly and help with alleviating any swelling.

You may be recommended to use ice packs to help reduce swelling and bruising.

What happens after having lip fillers?

You might have some mild discomfort at the injection sites for 12 to 24 hours, but this is easily managed with ice packs or paracetamol if you need it.

It is common to have some swelling for 1-2 days (and up to a week).

You will need to avoid wearing any product (lip gloss, lipstick, etc) on your lips for 24 hours, unless you’re instructed otherwise. You’ll also need to avoid exercising, kissing, touching or puckering your lips and using a straw for 24 hours, as the lip fillers settle.

Lip fillers aren’t permanent, and most people require top-ups every 12-18 months.

Lip fillers Melbourne at Sun & Skin Medical Centre

The skin doctors at Sun & Skin Medical Centre are highly experienced in the application of lip fillers and skin treatments to achieve beautiful results for patients of all ages and backgrounds. We take the time to discuss your expectations and assess your individual needs.

If you would like to learn more about our lip fillers Mount Eliza clinic, please contact us today on 03 5902 8696 and a friendly member of our staff will be happy to assist you.

Sun & Skin Medical Centre

Opening Hours

Mondays: 8.30 am-6.00 Pm
Tuesdays - Friday: 9.00 am- 6.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am- 12 pm
Sunday: Closed