Fat Dissolving Injections


What are fat dissolving injections?

Fat dissolving injections are injectable prescription medicine that contain deoxycholic acid as the active ingredient. Fat dissolving injections non-surgically reduce fat under the chin, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jawline.

Double Chin Treatment

​Double Chin Treatments:

Keep the double chin at bay and create a defined jawline with fat dissolving injections.

Fat dissolving injections will be administered by one of our qualified doctors. During your treatment you will be administered several deoxycholic acid injections to break down and destroy the fat cells in the chin. The fat is then absorbed by the body, resulting in a visible improvement in the chin profile.

Once destroyed, these fat cells will not return. Consequently, the results provided by a double chin treatment are permanent.

Double chin treatments are customised to suit each patient’s individual anatomy. Up to 6 treatments may be given, although visible results will likely be noticeable in 2 to 4 treatments.

​Please allow 45 mins for treatment.

Belkyra Fat Dissolving Injections double chin treatment
Sun & Skin Medical Centre

Opening Hours

Mondays: 8.30 am-6.00 Pm
Tuesdays - Friday: 9.00 am- 6.00 pm
Saturday: 9.00 am- 12 pm
Sunday: Closed