Skin Cancer Doctor
For patients requiring the evaluation and care of a skin cancer doctor, Sun & Skin Medical Centre is an accredited skin cancer clinic in Mount Eliza, that offers the highest standard of skin cancer care.
Headed by accredited skin cancer doctor, Dr Ann Michael, our team is comprised of cosmetic and skin cancer doctors who are committed to providing their patients with exceptional care for all types of skin concerns. Alongside a team of fully qualified and experienced nursing staff, beauty therapists and our friendly and knowledgeable administrative personnel, we offer patients a welcoming environment and personalised care.
If you are a patient in search of a skin cancer doctor in Melbourne, Sun & Skin Medical Centre is open for consultation from Monday to Saturday. You may make an appointment either online or by telephoning our clinic. No referral is necessary.
Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, with skin cancer affecting around 1 in 3 Australians under 70 years of age.
Making time to have regular, thorough checks with an accredited skin cancer doctor is important for all Australians, are particularly so for those who may be at higher risk of developing skin cancers.
It is important to understand that skin cancer can occur on any type of skin and on any location on the body, even in those areas that are not exposed to sun regularly. When you consult with our skin cancer doctor at Sun & Skin Medical Center, you will be offered a full body, head to toe skin check and mole mapping. Our skin cancer doctors at our Mount Eliza clinic are fully trained and highly experienced in performing thorough skin examinations on all skin types. We strive to provide every patient with the highest quality specialist skin cancer care.
For a skin check by a qualified skin cancer doctor Melbourne patients near the Mornington peninsula can easily access Sun & Skin Medical Centre in Mount Eliza. At our clinic, all of our skin cancer doctors have undergone subspecialty training and are highly experienced in skin examination.
During your consultation, a dermatoscope will be used to allow your skin cancer doctor to visualize below the surface of the skin. This allows the doctor to identify any suspicious lesions. The examination is completely painless.
At Sun & Skin Medical Centre, our skin cancer doctors also offer mole mapping using state of the art FotoFinder technology. This is a revolutionary, total body mole mapping system, that uses advanced technology to capture images of the entire skin surface. A full body map can be completed in as little as just a few minutes.
This map then allows your skin cancer doctor to identify new or changing skin lesions with subsequent consultations, making this technology a powerful diagnostic tool.
In cases where your skin cancer doctor may find a spot that is suspicious in their opinion, they may choose to either photograph it for monitoring, or perhaps they may recommend taking a biopsy (a sample of the skin). Biopsies are then sent off to the pathology lab for diagnosis. Your skin cancer doctor will be in touch with the results once they become available from the lab, and they will speak with you to arrange any treatments that may be required.
If your appointment with one of our skin cancer doctor Mount Eliza is for skin check or mole map, please arrive five minutes early. Please aim to remove all make up and nail polish if you can. If possible, please try to wear nude coloured underwear for your appointment, and expect that you will need to undress down to your underwear in order for the examination to take place. Our staff can provide you with a modesty gown upon request.
For patients who may be wanting to see a skin cancer doctor in an emergency, or where if there is urgent concern about a particular spot on the body, we can offer short, 15 minute consultation times. These times allow for the examination of up to three spots only. If you feel that you may require a more comprehensive review, we recommend that you book for a full skin check or mole map.
If you would like to make an appointment at Sun & Skin Medical Centre with a skin cancer doctor Mount Eliza, please get in contact with our clinic today. We offer full skin checks, mole mapping, and a number of other skin care services, with qualified, experienced and professional staff.
To arrange an appointment time with a skin cancer doctor or for any other skin care service at sun & Skin Medical Centre, please phone us or make a booking request online. No referrals are necessary. We look forward to consulting with you and providing you with the highest standard of specialised, quality skin care.